Large biomedical datasets can contain thousands of variables, creating challenges for machine learning tasks such as causal inference and prediction. Feature selection and ranking methods have been developed to reduce the number of variables and determine which are most important. However in many cases, such as in classification from diagnosis codes, ontologies, and controlled vocabularies, we must choose not only which variables to include but also at what level of granularity. ICD-9 codes, for example, are arranged in a hierarchy, and a user must decide at what level codes should be analyzed. Thus it is currently up to a researcher to decide whether to use any diagnosis of diabetes or whether to distinguish between specific forms, such as Type 2 diabetes with renal complications versus without mention of complications. Currently, there is no existing method that can automatically make this determination and methods for feature selection do not exploit this hierarchical information, which is found in other areas including nutrition (hierarchies of foods), and bioinformatics (hierarchical relationship of genes). To address this, we propose a novel Hierarchical Information Criterion (HIC) that builds on mutual information and allows fully automated abstraction of variables. Using HIC allows us to rank hierarchical features and select the ones with the highest score. We show that this significantly improves performance by an average AUROC of 0.053 over traditional feature selection methods and hand crafted features on two mortality prediction tasks using MIMIC-III ICU data. Our method also improves on the state of the art (Fu et al., 2019) with an AUROC increase from 0.819 to 0.887.